Yesterday, S and I were watching a sitcom and during break, there were many ads as usual. There was this one about a hands free soap dispenser. They show many ugly looking germs on top of the regular soap dispenser and how everybody in the family is touching those germs. To get rid of those…
Cooking – Blogathon Post 12
Cooking is really big part of my routine. I am very much against eating out on a regular basis. I like cooking and there are days when I put my best effort into it and I love it. Usually, I wake up early so that I can get most of the cooking done for the…
Regrets – Blogathon Post 11
There are only two regrets in life so far. My first regret is not doing a PhD. When I was doing my Masters, my professor was a very nice person. He helped me on a lot of things and also helped me get my masters on time. He also had other projects and I could…
Birthday Surprise – Blogathon Post 10
Today when I woke up, I started thinking about my birthdays and how I always love to celebrate on my big day. Today is the one day in the year that is mine. I usually make a big deal about birthdays. But, after having kids, I have toned down my birthday celebration but, still try…
Random Thoughts – Blogathon Post 9
What was I thinking when I decided to do the blogathon for a month? Here I am 9 days into it and today I almost wanted to skip my post and go to bed. But, then decided to keep up with it. Yesterday, I went shopping for clothes. It used to me my favorite thing…
Wordless Wednesday – Blogathon Post 8
I know the title says Wordless but, I wanted to write something. My idea of a fun day would be to go to a beach like this with family, have a picnic lunch, play all day and come home with lots of happy memories 🙂
Can’t wait to grow up – Blogathon Post 7
Today at dinner time, Sarath was refusing to eat something and I came up with a simple story about some food that did not like until I tried it 3 times. From there the conversation went like this: Sarath: When did this happen? Me: in 2002. Sarath: Were you an adult at that time? Me:…
Last Book I Read – Blogathon Post 6
The last book I read was Harry Potter! It was the best set of books I have ever read so far. Once I started it, I could not stop until the end. I am so waiting to buy the set of books and start reading again. After reading the books, I was not sure about…
Bucket List – Blogathon Post 5
Here is my bucket list: 1. Travel a lot – especially Switzerland. 2. Establish my own freelance career. 3. Become an exceptionally good cook 🙂 4. Learn more about Photography. 5. To learn to live with my not so straight hair. Currently I obsess about my hair a lot! 6. To lose the extra few…
First weekend of 2014 – Bogathon Post 4
Myself and S are always planning on going out on weekends but, most of the weekends we end up spending time at home doing nothing in particular. We love those lazy days too. But, being in Seattle, the number of sunny days in an year is small. So, according to S, if we stay indoors…