The 4th of July was on a Thursday this year, we thought we will take the Friday off and go to a nearby place. We started making plans as to where we can go and then S told me that we cannot go to any far away place as he is on call the entire…
The journey to Dream Land…..
Every day bed time is something that I love and hate for various reasons. When it is time to go to bed, somehow the kids just know that they can delay it as much as they want. Sarath just takes the longest possible time to brush his teeth and Sanjay wants to brush his teeth…
Little things in life…
That make me happy 🙂 – When I get a few moments to finish my tea in the morning before the kids wake up. – When S wakes up with me and we have 5 – 10 min to just chat while sipping tea or cooking. – When I see Sarath and Sanjay wake up…
Mother’s Day 2013
Mother’s day this year was as usual. We never celebrate much on mother’s day. S usually brings me flowers and may be a card. Mother’s day is extra special to me because Sanjay was born on Mother’s day weekend. So, now, mother’s day always makes me think of his birth 🙂 Sarath’s teacher had the…
Quick Update
Weeks are just flying by and I just feel lost in between work, kids, house hold chores and trying to get enough sleep. I have stopped thinking about movies or reading which are luxuries for us now. I have no idea what I do all day but at the end, I barely have time to…
Valentines Day
Our Valentines day was just another day. We did not do anything special or get each other gifts. Usually I get a card for S and he gets me flowers. This year we just wished each other and that was it. Sarath’s class had a little Valentines day party and the kids exchanged cards and…
House Hunting
When we were in Wisconsin, we owned a Condo. It had lots of space and all the rooms on one level, a two car garage and a huge basement. We were there for 6,5 years and naturally accumulated lots of stuff and after Sarath was born, our stuff started to multiply. When we moved to…
To find the balance between kids and work
I have always seen myself as a working mom. My mom was a working mom and she was amazing at balancing her time between work and home. So, after I graduated, I seriously started looking for jobs and unfortunately in my case no one was ready to sponsor a work visa even though I had…